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A Virtual Tour of the Nova Music Festival Memorial

Honoring Sacred Ground -- With Lauren Isaacs

by Laura Kessler

Lauren Isaacs  joins Jewish TV Channel and makes her first appearance touring the Nova Music Festival memorial. Look for her forthcoming show Israel Right Now, and catch her interview with Laura Kessler on Talking Point  where she discusses Canadian antisemitism, making Aliyah, various ways to help the victims’ families, and more.

With BIPACT International Correspondent Lauren Isaacs

Lauren Isaacs joins JTVC and helps ring in the new year in this special crossover episode of Talking Point / BIPACT News.

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Voice of the Jewish Community – JTVC is an online news magazine providing original and exclusive media content focused on strengthening bonds between the Jewish Diaspora and Israel.

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We bring the Jewish Diaspora and Israel closer together through showing each in a positive light, while countering the AIM Syndrome.  AIM is the unique blend of Antisemitism, Israel phobia, and Miseducation, which together threatens our society like nothing before. We counter AIM with a more powerful and favorable dialogue. JTVC shares original media content, including high calibre interviews and documentaries that focuses on our mission. 

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